Showing 33–48 of 1815 results
Absorption In Wetted Wall Column
Absorption In Wetted Wall Column Technical Description: The set up consists of a glass column. Alkaline liquid is fed at the top of the column along the walls to create a laminar liquid flow along the walls of a wetted wall column. Flow rates of Air and Co2, are measured separately, mixed in a mixing … Continue reading “Absorption In Wetted Wall Column”
AC Chopper
AC Chopper The low voltage ac voltage ( S1 of T ) is applied to the pair of two SCRs, CR1 and CR2, connected antiparallel with in series RL. These are the main SCRs. As the SCR is being commutated at the crossover points of ac cycle, but then it becomes a simple phase control … Continue reading “AC Chopper”
AC Motor Position Controller
AC Motor Position Control Trainer DESCRIPTION This set up is designed to study of AC motor position control system. The set up comprises two parts : A. The Motor Unit : It consists a two phase AC servomotor. It has Operating Voltage : 120V AC, maximum current 0.15Amp. Rated Shaft Speed : -2 2400rmp, Torque : 0.085 ”10 … Continue reading “AC Motor Position Controller”
AC Motor Speed Control By Varying frequency
AC Motor Speed Control By Varying frequency Motor-driven centrifugal pumps, fans and blowers offer the most dramatic energy-saving opportunities. Many of these operate for extended periods at reduced load with flow restricted or throttled. In these centrifugal machines, energy consumption is proportional to the cube of the flow rate. Even small reductions in speed and … Continue reading “AC Motor Speed Control By Varying frequency”
AC servomotor torque/ speed characteristics trainer
AC servomotor torque/ speed characteristics trainer The devices used in electrical control system are AC and DC servomotors AC servomotor has best suit for low power control applications. It is rugged light weighted and has no brush contacts as in case of DC servomotors. The important parameter of AC servomotor is its speed – torque … Continue reading “AC servomotor torque/ speed characteristics trainer”
Accelerated Curing Tank
Accelerated Curing Tank – Scientific Equipment Accelerated Curing Tank is used for concrete testing purposes. Its inner chamber is made of stainless steel and outer body is made of mild steel which is duly powder coated. Suitable to accommodate 6 cube moulds of 150 mm. The unit is provided with digital temperature controller cum indicator and … Continue reading “Accelerated Curing Tank”
Achromatic Objective Spare
Achromatic Objective Spare – Laboratory Equipment The most common type of achromatic is the achromatic doublet, which is composed of two individual lenses made from glasses with different amounts of dispersion. Typically, one element is a negative (concave) element made out of flint glass such as F2, which has relatively high dispersion, and the other … Continue reading “Achromatic Objective Spare”
Active Filters Using Operational Amplifier
Active Filters Using Operational Amplifier Experimental training board has been designed specifically to study characteristics of various types of active filters. This Training Board includes low pass, high pass, band pass and notch filters. The filter circuits are designed using second order Butter worth polynomials and provide unity gain in the pass band. Practical experience … Continue reading “Active Filters Using Operational Amplifier”
Adapter Borosilicate Glass
Adapter Borosilicate Glass – Laboratory Glassware Equipment Adapter borosilicate glass with interchangeable joints are manufactured from finest quality borosilicate glass which gives maximum resistance to thermal and mechanical stress and chemical attack. Multiple adapters with three necks, two neck parallel and one at 45°. Adapter is made of borosilicate glass and joints are interchangeable with other … Continue reading “Adapter Borosilicate Glass”
Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation
Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation SALIENT FEATURES Both Transmitter & Receiver on same board Clock generation from crystal 4 switch selectable sampling rates On – Board Generators at 4 different frequencies (Synchronized) Separate Adjustable DC Level Selectable integrator gain setting (by switch or control circuit) On – Board 4th order butter worth L.P. Filter Unipoar … Continue reading “Adaptive Delta Modulation & Demodulation”
ADC-0809 Interface
ADC-0809 Interface The ADC 0809 interface board is designed to explain the analog to digital conversion using ADC 0809 chip .This interface card is compatible to interface with Embedded, FPGA development boards and sensors to be used in real time projects also. Stand alone working mode is the special feature of this card. The ADC … Continue reading “ADC-0809 Interface”
Adiabatic Batch Reactor
Adiabatic Batch Reactor Technical Description: An adiabatic batch reactor is a closed system with no input and output streams. This reactor is operated under conditions like adiabatic (Temperature of Reaction Mass keep on changing), perfectly mixed (composition of reaction mixture is uniform throughout), and constant volume (volume of the reaction mixture within the reactor remains … Continue reading “Adiabatic Batch Reactor”
Adsorption In Packed Bed
Adsorption In Packed Bed Technical Description: The set up consists of a glass column packed with Reaching rings. Liquid is fed at the top of the column through distributor. The solute gas and air are measured separately, mixed in a mixing chamber and then passed through the packed column vertically upward and absorbed in liquid. … Continue reading “Adsorption In Packed Bed”
Adult Skull Colored Life Size
Adult Skull Colored Life Size – Scientific Educational Model Natural cast, high quality, life size. Medically detailed, perfect tool for professional teaching and study of human anatomy. It can be disassembled into 3-part: Calvaria, Base of Skull, and Mandible. All bones are painted in different colors for better demonstration. Life-Size skull, bones painted in different … Continue reading “Adult Skull Colored Life Size”
Adult Skull Life Size
Adult Skull Life Size- Scientific Educational Model Labappara Adult Skull life size adult PVC skull features a movable jaw . cut calvarium , surface lines and 3 removable lower teeth-incisor , cuspid and molar. Adult Skull into 3 parts. Features: Surface lines and 3 removable lower teeth. Incisor Cuspid and molar . Cab Disassembled Into … Continue reading “Adult Skull Life Size”
Advanced GSM Mobile Trainer
Advanced GSM Mobile Trainer Mobile Communication Trainer is an easy medium of learning the fundamental concept of Mobile communication like GSM, GPRS. The main focus of MCLS is in opening up a whole new world for you, mobile communication concepts like Call setup, call forward, SMS, voice, data and other Network protocols are also experimented … Continue reading “Advanced GSM Mobile Trainer”