Showing 1809–1815 of 1815 results
X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard
X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard – Mathematics Lab Equipments This pegboard has a sliding X and Y axis with blue colors of pegs that makes coordinate graphing fun and easy to understand. The pegs can be used to graph points in one or all four quadrants, and show geometric translations, rotations, reflections, data in bar … Continue reading “X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard”
Y(Tube) Connectors
Y(Tube) Connectors – Scientific Laboratory Equipment These connectors add to the existing range of connectors. The crest & valley structure provided at all the ends of the connectors give excellent leak proof grip to the tube. Features: Robust construction, Durability, Dimensional accuracy Consistent performance. Particulars … Continue reading “Y(Tube) Connectors”
York Schreiber’s Extraction Unit
York Schreiber’s Extraction Unit DESCRIPTION: The York Scheibel’s Column falls in the class of gravity-operated extractors with mechanical agitation. The presence of alternatively agitating and calming sections in a York Scheibel’s column yield higher extraction efficiency than the conventional packed column. In the setup a continuous counter current contact between the solvent and solute phases … Continue reading “York Schreiber’s Extraction Unit”
Young’s modulus Experiment
Young’s modulus Experiment Our Objective Our aim is to determine the Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire using Searle’s apparatus. The Theory Before we move ahead, do you know what a Searle’s apparatus is? Searle’s apparatus consists of two metal frames F1 and F2. Each frame has a torsion head … Continue reading “Young’s modulus Experiment”
Zener Diode Characteristic Apparatus
Zener Diode Characteristic Apparatus – Electronics Equipment Zener Diode Characteristic Apparatus with build in stabilized power supply. Workable on 230 volts , AC fitted with zener diode 8.2 volts on front panel connections of zener diode. Power supply , output and meters connections are brought out on the panel. Output 0-10 volts DC . Continuously … Continue reading “Zener Diode Characteristic Apparatus”
Zoom Stereo Binocular Microscope
Zoom Stereo Binocular Microscope – Scientific Equipment Zoom Stereo microscope is a kind of binocular stereo microscope, which can magnify micro objects continually and show clear stereo up-right picture. Having Working distance of 100 mm, magnification with 7 x to 45 x zoom range and Articulating arm stand. It can be used for observation studies in … Continue reading “Zoom Stereo Binocular Microscope”
Zoom Stereo Trinocular Microscope
Zoom Stereo Trinocular Microscope for Science Lab – Laboratory Equipment This is a latest three dimensional zoom binocular microscope with high point wide field eye pieces 10 x or 15 x, para focal zoom objectives of 1 x to 5 x providing continuous variable magnification from 10 x to 150 x depending upon the eye … Continue reading “Zoom Stereo Trinocular Microscope”