ELECTRIC VIBRATORS, PHYSICS EQUIPMENTS, laboratory equipment manufacturers, Educational Scientific Instruments

Vibrator Electrical

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Vibrator Electrical

Electric vibrators that are ideal for numerous applications, such as installing on a screen for sifting and sorting, conveying, emptying hoppers thoroughly of wet or sticky material, and keeping material flowing through chutes at transfer.

It Is used in School, College, University, Research Laboratories.

A thin steel rod (Called Vibrator) is clamped at one end passes through a small solenoid.

The rod is slightly flattened at the free end and a hole is drilled in it so that a string can be tied through it.

The solenoid is connected to A.C mains through a suitable  lamp resistance.

A permanent horse shoe magnet is mounted on the base board and a steel rod passes between them the thin rod is magnetized longitudinally the solenoid and a horse shoe shaped magnet cause it to vibrate with the frequency of A.C supply the length of the vibrator is adjusted until its natural frequency corresponds with that of the supply the whole unit is mounted on a polished wooden base complete with pulley pan and cord


  • Electric vibrators to determine the frequency of AC.
  • Electric vibrators in Main E.M.P of cells.
  • And for melds experiment with pulley.
  • And pan workable on 220 volts.