Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Set-Up
Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Set-Up
Technical Description:
The basic data of any distillation problem are the equilibrium between the liquid and vapours phases of the system subjected to distillation. Hence is of great importance to study the vapour liquid equilibrium. The set-up consists of distillation still with a heating element. An electrical Dimmer stat is connected to heating element for varying heat input. The vapours form the top of column is condensed in the shell and tube type condenser by circulating cooling water. The condensate is collected in reflux drum and feedback to column as reflux. A tank with pump is provided to circulate cold water to condenser. Flow rates can be regulated through control valve fitted. Instrumentation is provided to measure the temperatures at different points
Technical Specifications:
Distillation still: Made of Stainless Steel Capacity 1Ltrs. Insulated by ceramic wool.
Condenser: Concentric Tube type.
Heater : Ni-chrome wire
Cooling Water Tank: Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 15Ltrs. (Approx.).
Cold Water circulation: Using FHP Pump.
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