Zener Diode Experiment, Physics instrument, Educational Scientific Instruments

Transmission Line Trainer (RLC BASED)

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Transmission Line Trainer (RLC BASED)

Transmission Line Trainer (RLC BASED)


 Electrical control panel with 1 Nos. 3 phase 3KVA transformer.(1KVA per phase)

 Panel size 42”x24”

 Protection with 3 Phase Over Voltage, Under Voltage combined and Over-Current 1 phase Relay

 Transformer provided will be high quality copper wound

 Primary of transformer of 440V and secondary of the transformer will be 220V.

 Transformer will be differently housed in a MS powder cabinet for easy carrying and other general use.

 Transmission line made of RLC component for 400 meter. Line simulation.

 Electrical panel fitted with front panel of high class insulated Bakelite sheet 6mm of thickness.

 It is fitted with appropriate Digital voltmeter, ammeter to record the readings.

 Short circuit protection with the help of MCB.

 1 NOS. 5A variable AC Supply is provided separately through variac for short circuit test.

 3 Types load system will be provided resistive (internally), inductive (Externally) and Capacitive (Internally).

 Lamp loads are of star connected (2 nos.) and delta (1nos.) connected on the front panel.

 Connections through 4mm highly shockproof safety sockets

 Supplied with instruction manual

 Digital Voltmeter Ammeter are connected on the front panel to measurement the electrical voltage current system.



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1. Study of 3 phase transmission line parameters

2. Study of different loads in ring and Radial distribution system

3. Voltage and current measurement under 3 phase balanced unbalanced load at distribution transformer

4. Transmission line loss measurement

5. Operation of relays protection system with over voltage , over current , under voltage relay.