Spectrometer, Optical Instruments, Spectrometers are optical instruments that can detect spectral lines and measure their wavelength or intensity. science instruments manufacturer, supplier, exporter.

Spectrometer (Brass Scale)

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Spectrometer (Brass Scale)

Spectrometer (Brass Scale) – Laboratory Equipment

Deluxe with Graticule, specification as above in wooden box.

The spectrometer consists of a telescope and a collimator mounted on a stable heavy C. I. base with three leveling screws. The protected 150 mm 6″ or 175 mm 7″ scale divided into 0-360 degrees in steps of half degrees can be read from both scales & moves along with the telescope to give its exact position. It gives accuracy of one minute of an arc or 30 seconds of an arc. Telescope is having an achromatic objective of 7″ focal length and a Ramsden Eyepiece with a cross line graticule . The collimator is also fitted with 7″ objective & adjustable precision vertical slit with jaws of non rusting metal. Both the telescope & collimator are having fine rack & pinion motion. In the centre of the table there is a prism table for clamping of prism or diffraction grating . Packed in a sturdy wooden box with instruction manual & duster. • Available in Brass and Stainless Steel scale in both the sizes of 15.0 cm 6″ and 17.5 cm 7″ of protected circle.

Brass Scale


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