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Solid In Air Diffusion Apparatus

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Solid In Air Diffusion Apparatus

Solid In Air Diffusion Apparatus


Confirming a packed bed of spherical balls of a solid in a vertical tube, and observing its rate of diffusion into the stream of air passed across the top of the tube can conveniently study the diffusion of solid into the air. The equipment is fitted with a vertical glass column with a mesh near the base of the column to hold the spherical balls.

Spherical balls of known weight and diameter are filled in the column to make a packed bed. Air is allowed to pass through the silica gel chamber. From the bottom of the column, dry air is allowed to enter in the packed bed.



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Learning Objectives/Experiments:

  • To calculate the mass transfer coefficient of vaporization of naphthalene in air using a packed bed of spherical particles of naphthalene.
  • To plot Sh/Sc 1/3 Vs Re on log 45 g graph and determine the functional relationship.

Required for Operation:

  • Solid Spherical Balls of Naphthalene
  • Table for setup support