SCR Ring Counter
Product Categories: Electronics, Engineering Equipment, Power Electronics Lab, Power Electronics Lab
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Product DescriptionSCR Ring Counter
- Stage SCR Ring Counter which can be extended to any number of stages by adding identical circuitry, if required.
- This board demonstrates high power load switching in a sequential order.
- This set-up can also be used as sequential flash over.
- The time delay between each sequence is adjustable.
- This training board facilitates students to understand UJT triggering circuit for SCRs and communication circuit for turning them off in sequential operations.
The board consists of the following built in parts:
- 20V D.C. Zener Regulated Power Supply for control pulse generator
- UJT 2N 2646 in relaxation oscillator configuration which provides triggering pulses to SCRs
- Potentiometer for variable time delay
- Three SCRs to form three stages of ring counter
- Three diodes for providing triggering pulses
- Three dual indicating lamps for indication of sequences
- UJT 2N 2646 under experiment
- Adequate no. of other Electronic Components
- Fuse for protection
- The unit is operative on 220V D.C. Source
- Adequate no. of patch cords stackable 4 mm spring loaded plug length ½ metre
- Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections/observation of waveforms
- Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References
Other Apparatus Required:
- 220V D.C. at 100mA IC Regulated Power Supply