SCR Morgan Chopper
SCR Morgan Chopper
- Easy to operate
- Compact design
- Longer serving life
Technical Specifications:
- Principle: Conversion of a Fixed DC to Variable DC Voltage.
- Type of Chopper: Morgan’s Chopper.
- D. C. Source: 24V DC (Unregulated).
- Trigger Circuit: UJT Trigger Circuit with variable trigger frequency to trigger the SCR.
- Commutation: Class “B” Type.
- Output Voltage: 5V to 20V approximately (variable).
- Controls: 1. Mains ON / OFF.
- Frequency Control.
- Load Control.
- Test Points: Multi colored Test Points are provided at various stages in the circuit to observe the waveforms and voltages.
- Indicator: Mains ON / OFF.
- Experiments: 1. Study of SCR Trigger Circuit for a Morgan’s Chopper.
- Observe the output voltage with Motor Load.
- Observe the effect of Load Control on Output.
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