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Recycled Bed Reactor

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Recycled Bed Reactor

Recycled Bed Reactor

Technical Description:

The setup consists of catalyst packed column of Stainless Steel. Reactant from a fed tank is fed to the reactor through liquid distributor, fitted at one end of the column. Some part of product is recycled to the reactor using a low capacity sophisticated pump or by over head tank system. Rota-meters are provided to measure the flow of feed & recycled product. The feed rate and recycle product ratio can be manipulated by the respective needle valves of the rota-meter. Samples can be taken periodically from the top outlet of reactor at another end. An arrangement is made to carryout the reaction at Iso-thermal conditions by circulating the hot water in the outer jacket of the packed bed reactor. Special care is taken for proper mixing of feed & recycle product before its entry to the reactor. A magnetic drive pump made up of polypropylene is used for circulation of feed 

 Technical Specifications:

 Reactor Column: Material Stainless Steel Diameter 1″, Length: 500 mm (approx).

 Packing : Catalyst (Fluid Bed Type)

 Feed Tank (1 Nos.): Material Stainless Steel, Capacity – 20 Ltrs.

 Flow Measurement: Rota meter 2 Nos.(One each for feed & recycled product).

 Piping: Stainless Steel and PVC. Size ¼”

 Feed Circulation: Magnetic Pump of Polypropylene.

 Hot water tank: Made of Stainless steel, Double wall, insulated with Ceramic Wool. Capacity 10-       15  ltrs.

 Hot water Circulation: Magnetic Pump of Polypropylene to circulate hot (in outer Jacket) Water maximum working temp. 850 C


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Learning Objectives/Experiments:

 To determine the Reaction Rate Constant 

Required for Operation:

 Water Supply.


 Instruments, Laboratory Glassware and Chemicals required for analysis as per the system adopted.