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NEWTON’S LAW OF COOLING (University Pattern)

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NEWTON’S LAW OF COOLING (University Pattern)

NEWTON’S LAW OF COOLING (University Pattern)- Physics Equipment

Newton’s Law of Cooling explains heat transfer between two different bodies. This concept forms the basis of thermodynamics, hence understanding this concept is critical. This apparatus goes a long way in accomplishing that as it is simple to use and accurate in its performance.

University Pattern — Comprising two units, each with double walled joint-less brass vessels nickel plated and highly polished with non-conduction cover through which is suspended a 7.5×5 cm size copper calorimeter. A second covering protects the top of the calorimeter from dust and heat losses. The annular spaces between the double walled vessels are connected by T-Tubes, which enable water at same temperature to be kept circulating through them.


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