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Inclined Monocular Microscope

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Inclined Monocular Microscope

Inclined Monocular Microscope – Scientific Equipment

Inclined microscope with inclined tube rotatable to 360° disc diaphragm and built in condenser. Separate coarse motion & highly sensitive slow motion working on ball bearing guide-ways. Quadruple revolving nose-piece, attachable mechanical stage. Illumination by 6 V-20 W halogen bulb with solid state transformer. Separate 55 mm dia reflector for day light illumination. Complete with lens cleaning paper, immersion oil & other standard accessories. Supplied in an attractive & thick plywood box.


  • High magnifying power
  • Provides accurate results 
  • Easy to use

Achromatic objective: 4 x/5 x, 10 x, 40 x/45 x & 100 x Oil immersion. Eyepiece: 10 x WE or 15 x WE

Magnification: 40 x to 1500 x.


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