HOPE’S APPARATUS,Physics Equipments, scientific equipments, educational instrument supplier, measuring equipment, Laboratory equipment suppliers, lab glass equipment manufacturers, laboratory wooden equipment, science instruments manufacturer, supplier, exporter.


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Hope’s Apparatus – Physics Equipments

  • Hope devised a simple arrangement, known as Hope’s apparatus.
  • Used to demonstrate the anomalous behavior of water.
  • It is a common experiment that when a liquid is heated, it expands, irrespective of the temperature range.
  • Comprising a cylindrical vessel, surrounded by an annular trough,
  • In which is to be placed a mixture of ice and salt.
  • The respective temperature of the water at the top and bottom of inner cylindrical vessel are measured over a period as the water cools.
  • Supplied without thermometer.
  • To show that water has a maximum density at 4 degrees Celsius.
  • Consists of a sheet metal cylinder with two tubes in the upper and lower regions for inserting thermometers through rubber stoppers.
  • Mounted on a base and encircled midway by an outer trough for holding a mixture of ice and salt.
  • Temperature of the water is measured at the top and bottom of the inner cylindrical vessel over a period as the water-cools.
  • Thermometer not included.

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