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Determination Of Parameter & Losses In A Single Phase Transformer By OC & SC Test


Determination Of Parameter & Losses In A Single Phase Transformer By OC & SC Test

Determination Of Parameter & Losses In A Single Phase Transformer By OC & SC Test

The physical basis of the transformer is mutual induction between two circuits linked by a common
magnetic field. Transformer is required to pass electrical energy from one circuit to another, via the
medium of the pulsating magnetic field, as efficiently and economically as possible. This could be
achieved using either iron or steel which serves as a good permeable path for the mutual magnetic

The efficiency and regulation of a transformer on any load condition and at any power factor condition can be predetermined by indirect loading method. In this method, the actual load is not used on transformer. But the equivalent circuit parameters of a transformer are determined by conducting two tests on a transformer which are,

1. Open circuit test (O.C Test)
2. Short circuit test (S.C.Test)

       The parameters calculated from these test results are effective in determining the regulation and efficiency of a transformer at any load and power factor condition, without actually loading the transformer. The advantage of this method is that without much power loss the tests can be performed and results can be obtained. Let us discuss in detail how to perform these tests and how to use the results to calculate equivalent circuit parameters.


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Aim :

• To understand the basic working principle of a transformer.
• To obtain the equivalent circuit parameters from OC and SC tests, and to estimate efficiency &
regulation at various loads.