Cones, Imhoff, Sediment, Blunt Tip, chemistry lab instruments, laboratory glassware equipments, Educational Lab instruments, Laboratory Equipment.

Cones, Imhoff, Sediment, Blunt Tip

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Cones, Imhoff, Sediment, Blunt Tip

Cones, Imhoff, Sediment, Blunt Tip – Laboratory Glassware Equipment

1 liter  blunt tip cones are for use with heavy sediments, where ability to read small volumes is unimportant. The blunt tip increases its ruggedness and cleaning ease. Height: approximately 435 mm. Top Inner Diameter: approximately 110 mm. Graduation intervals: 0 ml to 1 ml in 0.1 ml divisions; 1 ml to 10 ml in 0.5 m divisions; 10 ml to 40 ml in 1 ml divisions. Also marked at 1000 ml. Material: Borosilicate Glass 

  • Cones, Imhoff, Sediment, Blunt Tip Graduated from 0 to 1 ml in 0.1 ml.
  • Division, 1 to 10 ml. in 0.5 ml. and 10 to 40 ml. in 1 ml.,
  • Approx. Top Dia 100 mm.


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