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Biological Microscope

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Biological Microscope

Biological Microscope – Biology Laboratory Equipment

The Biological Microscope are special designed for education of students for study in Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy departments of Universities, Medical Colleges and Hospitals. Provided with Achromatic Objectives 4 x/5 x, 10 x, 40 x & 100 x Oil and eyepieces 10 x. The magnification range is 20 x to 1500 x with different objective and eyepieces. It is available in three models that are Monocular Biological Microscope, Binocular Biological Microscope and Binocular Biological Microscope with digital camera.


  • Foldable eye guards
  • Precisely designed
  • Reliable usage


  • Stand: Very light weight stand with single focus control and stage clips and small reflector
  • Optics: Eye piece 10 X or 15 X, objective 4 X or 10 X or 20 X


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