mathematics lab equipments
Showing 17–20 of 20 results
Vertex Wonder
Vertex Wonder – Mathematics Lab Equipments This rods and ball set is designed to develop the concepts such as symmetry, Space, Shapes and construction that will help children to analyze the difference between Pyramid and prism in point ,line and side. Numerous different plane and solid geometric figures can be created from geometric figure can … Continue reading “Vertex Wonder”
Volume Relation Between Cone And Cylinder
Volume Relation Between Cone And Cylinder -Mathematics Lab Equipments To demonstrate volume relation between cone and cylinder of same base and same height. Manipulative measure base with transparent Lid.
Volume Relationship Set
Volume Relationship Set – Mathematics Lab Equipments To teach volume relationship between 3D solids, this Set consists with 10 cm dimension 3D solids that allow to fill or any dry material to demonstrate volume relationship. This set consists of cone cylinder, Square prism and pyramid and a sphere equal to the inner diameter of cylinder … Continue reading “Volume Relationship Set”
X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard
X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard – Mathematics Lab Equipments This pegboard has a sliding X and Y axis with blue colors of pegs that makes coordinate graphing fun and easy to understand. The pegs can be used to graph points in one or all four quadrants, and show geometric translations, rotations, reflections, data in bar … Continue reading “X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard”