Zoology Models & Botany Model

Showing 17–32 of 35 results

Frog Ear

Frog Ear

Frog Ear – Scientific Educational Model Frogs do not have outside ears that direct sound inward to the ear drum as ours do. But they do have an ear drum of sorts (see figure), an inner ear, a brain, and most frogs have a middle ear. Frog hear with these structures and one more their … Continue reading “Frog Ear”

Frog Heart

Frog Heart

Frog Heart – Scientific Educational Modal The frog heart has three chambers: two atria and a single ventricle. The atrium receives oxygenate blood from the blood vessels (veins) that drain the various organs of the body. Both atria empty into the single ventricle.

Head Of The Pork Tapeworm

Head Of The Pork Tapeworm

Head Of The Pork Tapeworm-Scientific Educational Model Head Of The Pork Tapeworm- Aenia solium, enlarged many times in one piece, mounted on base with key card.  

Hen (Bird) Dissection Model

Hen (Bird) Dissection Model

Hen (Bird) Dissection Model- Scientific Educational Model Hen (Bird) Dissection Model–  Natural size, the right side shows the feathers and other side shows all the internal organs. Mounted on base. Numbered with English Key Card. Key points: Clear print Highly informative Less maintenance Portable nature

Herbaceous Di cot Stem Section

Herbaceous Di cot Stem Section

Herbaceous Di-cot Stem Section- Scientific Educational Model Herbaceous Di-cot Stem model of plant vasculature structure of an herbaceous di cot stem section with all the details highlighted in vivid colors, makes it easier to study this model and understand the structure and function of a plant stem. The single, open, collateral, vascular bundle of an … Continue reading “Herbaceous Di cot Stem Section”

Human Kidney with Adrenal Gland

Human Kidney with Adrenal Gland

Human Kidney With Adrenal Gland: Scientific Educational Model Labappara Kidney model features the kidney with adrenal gland, renal and adrenal vessels and upper portion of the ureter. Dissected into 2 parts to reveal the cortex medulla, vessels and renal pelvis. Life size.

Model Of Hydra

Model Of Hydra

Model Of Hydra- Scientific Educational Model Model Of Hydra- Colorfully illustrated are the external and internal structure 3 Dimensional model dessecting showing mouth coelentron, testis, gland cells, ovum, ovary, mounted on base within key card  

Monocot Stem Anatomy, TS And LS

Monocot Stem Anatomy, TS And LS

Monocot Stem Anatomy, TS/LS- Scientific Educational Model Exhibits the various tissues and the scattered closed and collateral vascular bundles in transverse and longitudinal sections in maize. The large pitted vessels, spiral and annular vessels show the anatomy of monocot stem.  Mounted on board with numbered key card.

Monocot Stem, Corn

Monocot Stem, Corn

Mono cot Stem, Corn- Scientific Educational Model Mono cot Stem demonstration the general mono, corn. Each cell and Various tissue type is shown from several aspects within numbered key card.

Paramecium Enlarged

Paramecium Enlarged

Paramecium Enlarged – Scientific Educational Model Paramecium Enlarged – Labappara Paramecium, enlarged approx. 1600 times, showing with cell inventory of a protozoa: macro and micronucleus, contractile vacuoles, cytostome with membranelae, myonemes and food vacuoles and the formation of the endoplasm and actoplasm & the network of neurons. , it also shows the structure of the … Continue reading “Paramecium Enlarged”

Paramecium Zoology Model

Paramecium Zoology Model

Paramecium Zoology Model- Scientific Educational Model Paramecium Zoology Model-Paramecium zoology Model One side of the model clearly shows the oral groove and their continuation into the gullet and the other side shows the details of the internal structure, mounted on base, with key card. Overall dimensions 410 x 250 x 95 mm. approx.

Perch Fish Dissection

Perch Fish Dissection

Perch Fish Dissection- Scientific Educational Model Perch Fish Dissection- Perch Fish Dissection Model Showing all the general anatomy after dissection, One side showing external structures & the other sides shows the skeleton & topography of the intestine & gills. On a stand with base & numbered with English Key card. 

Pigeon Dissection Bird

Pigeon Dissection Bird

Pigeon Dissection Bird – Scientific Educational Model Pigeon Dissection Bird- Bird Anatomy Zoology Model Natural size, dissection showing all the internal organs of a pigeon, mounted on base. Numbered with English Key Card.

Plant Cell

Plant Cell

Plant Cell – Scientific Educational Model Plant Cell Provides clear inside view of the nucleus, chloroplasts, cell wall, and vacuoles of a plant cell, as well as  the allows exploring the relationship of a cell to its adjacent cells. This simpler model, enlarged 3.000x, is perfect for introducing students to the basic parts of any … Continue reading “Plant Cell”

Plant Cell Division, Mitosis

Plant Cell Division, Mitosis

Plant Cell Division , Mitosis:- Scientific Educational Model Plant Cell Division models are highly detailed using bright vivid colors, so that they can be clearly seen from a distance by the entire class. A set of 10 models showing all the stages of karyokinesis and cytokine sis from metabolic cells of the formation from one … Continue reading “Plant Cell Division, Mitosis”



Root – Scientific Educational Model Root Arround about 300 times, durable plastic, showing in longitudinal and transverse section, crown of removable. Dissectible in two part. Mounted on base with numbered key card.