Hydrodynamics Of Packed Bed
Hydrodynamics Of Packed Bed
The set up is capable to study the loading and flooding characteristics. It is a packed column packed with Rasching Rings where the Air is counter currently fed to the column. Liquid holdup in the column increases the weight of column and also reduces the effective porosity of packing. This reduction in porosity decreases the gas velocity, increases the pressure drop and changes the value of mass transfer co-efficient. The water is fed from the top of the column and loading & flooding characteristic are observed on various flow rates of Air and Water. The apparatus is closed circuit type provided with suitable capacity tank, pump, necessary pipe lines walls & rota-metres for water & air to measure the flow rate of fluids.
Technical Specifications:
- Packed Column: Material Borosilicate Glass and Stainless Steel. OD 50 mm (approx.), Length 750 mm (approx.)
- Packing : Material Borosilicate Glass Rasching rings Size 8-10 mm (approx.)
- Water tank: Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 30 Ltrs.
- Water Circulation: FHP Pump.
- Flow Measurement: Rotameters 2 Nos. (one each for air and water)
- Pressure. Drop Measurement : By Manometer
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