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Experimental Water Cooling Tower

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Experimental Water Cooling Tower

Experimental Water Cooling Tower


Experimental Water Cooling Tower is a forced draft counter flow type cooling tower specially designed for the Engineering students to provide them insight about actual working of tower. In this system, air from a fan enters at the bottom of the tower and after passing through the mesh packing, discharges into the atmosphere via a duct. Airflow is controlled by a butterfly valve on the blower’s delivery line. Water is evenly distributed over the packing by nozzles at top of the tower.

Water flow and temperatures can be measured and controlled with suitable instrumentation provided. A water tank at the bottom fitted with level gauge enables to show the exact evaporation loss. Front side acrylic sheet provides actual visualization of cooling tower operation. Air and water flow rates as well as inlet water temperatures can be varied to have different sets of readings.



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Learning Objectives/Experiments:

  • Actual visualization of the cooling tower operation.
  • To determine the mass transfer coefficient

Required for Operation:

  • Water Supply & Drain.