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Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

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Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Technical Description: 

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger are popular in process industries because they occupy less space and offer reasonable temperature drop. The apparatus consists of fabricated shell, inside which tubes with baffles on outer side are fitted. The present set up is a 1-2 heat exchangers, with cold water flows through shell. Valves are provided to control the flow rates of hot and cold water. Flow rates of hot and cold water are measured using Rota-meters. A magnetic drive pump is used to circulate the hot water from a re-cycled type water tank, which is fitted with heaters and Digital Temperature Controller.



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  • The main object of the experimental setup is to study the following at various flow rates:
  • LMTD
  • Heat transfer rate
  • Overall Heat Transfer Co-efficient.


 Water supply 20 lit/min (approx.) and drain.

Electricity Supply: 1 Phase, 220 V AC, 4 kW.

Floor area of 1.5 m x 0.75 m.