X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard, Mathematics Laboratory Equipment, Educational Equipments, manufacture exporters, Pattern Block, Educational Maths Lab instruments, Mathematics Laboratory Equipment,Educational Equipments, manufacture exporters, School equipments, University Instruments, Supplies Exporter, educational equipments, india

X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard

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X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard

X Y Axes Co-Ordinate Geoboard – Mathematics Lab Equipments

This pegboard has a sliding X and Y axis with blue colors of pegs that makes coordinate graphing fun and easy to understand. The pegs can be used to graph points in one or all four quadrants, and show geometric translations, rotations, reflections, data in bar or line graphs, and much more.This is also ideal for lessons requiring algebraic thinking. Use with provided pegs and rubber bands to model points, line segments, functions, and conic sections.


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